Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Soft as a pillow...

Work is slowing for the summer and that means I had some time to chat via text and spend a little time on Facebook. I love and hate the down time. Sitting there watching the clock is boring, but running around until it's time to go is exhausting. A no win situation. But like I said, today I had some time to chat and I really enjoyed it. Maybe it was the company.

Most of the texts were about my new FB account and how I needed to keep the friends at a minimal and try to control who was looking at my account. FB can be very open place, even with the settings on private and friends only, it can be a very open forum. The texts today were short. (You know how hard it is typing on the iPhone. Don't get me wrong, I love my iPhone, my fingers however, not so much.) A couple lines here, a short reply there and some help fixing this and that and before you know it, I've sent over a hundred and received nearly 150. I told you I had some down time.

One of the wonderful people I was talking to was helping me get my privacy settings correct. But she wasn't just helping me set the settings, she was quietly and calmly keeping me level headed and in control. She must have pondered each text for a while before hitting SEND, because each text made me more and more comfortable with my settings and what I was trying to do. it wasn't long before we had everything worked out and the chats became more social, more relaxed.

Her last text to me:
"Well count on me to turn to when u need someone."

I've heard that so many times. People say it to make you feel better, but even if they do mean it, the care cannot even come close to how good inside that made me feel. It was so genuine, so real. I wished I could jump through the phone and hug her. Instead, I thought of the most comforting thing I know.

My text to her:
"Like a soft pillow, you really make things better."


I would like to make note that I am lucky to have not one wonderful person in my life but many. Like the one that talked to me for forever while I contemplated suicide.<-- Special kudos to you, and thanks. Like my roommate who puts up with my moods. Like my coworkers who let me cry on there scrubs. Thank you to all of you.

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